Surfboard deck pads for comfort and grip-O&E HYPA FISH DAY COVER - BLACK

Size 6'8"
Cover Size Max Board Length Max Board Width Cover Weight
5'8" 5'8" / 1727mm 22" / 560mm 1.85kgs
6'0" 6'0" / 1829mm 22" / 560mm 1.92kgs
6'4" 6'4" / 1930mm 22" / 560mm 1.99kgs 
6'8" 6'8" / 2032mm 22" / 560mm 2.04kgs
7'0" 7'0" / 2134mm 22" / 560mm 2.14kgs
7'4" 7'4" / 2235mm 22" / 560mm 2.22kgs
7'8" 7'8" / 2337mm 22" / 560mm 2.3kgs

A compact fitting cover with an expandable side wall. The velcro tabs
on tail gusset can be secured shut for use with or without fins.
Ideal for day-to-day surf trips.


Fits boards up to 22.5" wide

Runs around the entire cover for a perfect fit. Velcro closure for use with or without fins.

20mm padded detachable strap: Extra comfort and stashes into pocket.